Client Intake Form

Client Intake Form
Contact & Demographic Information
Business Description
1) How will you describe your venture?
2) What type of business are you engaged in or interested in starting in UAE or Saudi Arabia?
Business Registration Information
Business Type
Business Description (Existing Business Only)
Appendix A: Pre-Venture / Startup Business
1) Do you have a Business Plan?
2) Has your business been profitable?
3) How much are your current Annual Revenues?
4) How can we help you?
Appendix B: Existing / Mature Business
1) Has your business been profitable?
2) How much are your current Annual Revenues?
3) Employee Data

Please fill in the following chart with information about the number of employees in your business.
This data should include the business owner.

For example, if the business has 1 owner and 1 staff member, the number of employees = 2
